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About Us
All Species Adoption Program. (ASAP) is a small network of volunteers dedicated to rescuing and placing unwanted or abandoned pets into permanent loving homes. ASAP assists animals in need, throughout Wyandot County and surrounding areas in Ohio. Then gathers information designed to help place each animal in the appropriate permanent home. Pets are often temporarily housed in volunteer foster care until a home is found. We are privately funded and that is why your support is vital to our rescue.
The majority of the dogs that end up in rescues are unwanted. Owners often find that they were unprepared for the care required for their pets; they did not understand the nature of the breed they adopted, or there natural instincts. Owners are often gone all day, and therefore unable to provide the time, attention, and exercise their pet requires.
Please provide us with your feedback about your experience with rescues, ideas for improving our processes and suggestions regarding our web site.